Friday, February 9, 2018

If You’re Feeling Exhausted (Even After Sleeping A Full Night)—Here’s Why

You know it’s going to be a good day when you wake up feeling refreshed after a sound night’s sleep. After all, there’s no greater feeling than finally dozing off after a long day or week. So, why is it that despite getting 7+ hours of solid shut eye, the afternoon hours still hit you like a ton of bricks?

The simple answer is—it’s complicated. That’s because everything from your pre-sleep routine and undiagnosed sleep disorders to the way you wake-up and your daily habits, all impact your energy levels (or lack thereof).

So, assuming you already know that looking at your phone right before bed is a no-no, let’s focus on some of the other common culprits causing your on-going energy struggles:

   1. You’re not actually sleeping soundly. Now you think you’d know it if you had a sleep disorder—right? Well, turns out that 95% of the 70 million Americans with a sleep disorder are undiagnosed. And that’s because many sleep disorders have subtle symptoms and it’s hard to notice them while you’re asleep.

And it may not be a disorder that’s to blame for your interrupted sleep. If you share the bed with another person (or pet) anytime they move, it’ll likely disrupt your snoozing. 

   2. You’re not waking up the right way. While sleeping, your brain goes through several different stages: non-rapid eye movement, slow wave sleep and rapid eye movement (aka: the deep, dream-filled stage of sleep). And if you wake-up mid cycle, this could leave you feeling moody, stressed and drained; otherwise known as sleep inertia.

   3.  You don’t drink enough water. Dehydration can leave even the most well-rested person feeling fatigued. That’s because a lack of fluids leads to lower blood pressure, which slows the all-important process of getting oxygen to the brain. If you’re not drinking at least 6 to 8 glasses of water (or water-based drinks), expect to be yawning.

   4. You have a vitamin or mineral deficiency. Your body relies on vitamins and minerals to do pretty much everything. Whether it’s healing a wound or supplying energy, vitamins and minerals are essential. So, if your body struggles to get one or more of these key nutrients, you’ll more than likely experience fatigue:

·         Iron
·         Magnesium
·         Potassium
·         Vitamin B12
·         Folic acid

      5. You’re not getting enough activity. Workdays are actually the perfect recipe for tiredness. If you take sitting for hours on end and you add eye strain from staring at a computer screen and mental fatigue from going nonstop, it’s no wonder you feel completely drained at the end of the day.

   6. You have CFS. Also known as chronic fatigue syndrome, this condition is characterized by profound tiredness, which can come on suddenly and last for years. Unfortunately, women are nearly 4 times as likely to suffer from CFS and experts are still unsure of what causes this condition.

Put your energy issues to rest. It’s finally time to answer the question you’ve all been wondering—what’s the secret to feeling well rested? Considering that everything from thyroid issues and diabetes to diet and medications can play a role, it’s hard to say.

Overall, it comes down to better understanding your unique health needs. That’s why Gwinnett Medical Group Primary Care offers an extensive array of services tailored to suit your personal health needs.

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