Friday, July 13, 2018

9 Benefits Of Drinking Water (In 90 Seconds)

Can we get 90 seconds on the clock? Now, if you only have 90 seconds to spare, read the bold headlines below for some of the key benefits of drinking water.

For the rest of you, before you start the timer, there’s something you should know: the benefits of drinking water are pretty much endless. In other words, you can think of water as the ultimate MVP—the most valuable pick-me-up.

After all, since our bodies are made up of mostly water (over 60%); it makes sense that it would be essential for almost everything. From helping to flush out toxins and digest food, to regulating temperature and preventing headaches; the real question is, what can’t water do?

While it seems like it should be a no-brainer to drink water (especially since more than 70% of your brain is composed of water), it appears that most of us are chronically dehydrated. In fact, the average amount of water people are actually drinking is 2.5 cups daily (yikes!).
So if you need a little more convincing to get your water drinking going, here are 9 powerful benefits of drinking water:

1.    Healthy weight. 

When reaching for water, instead of a sugary drink, you’re saving tons of calories (150 calories in just one can of soda). Also, by staying hydrated, you may eat less just because you feel fuller. Oh, and water helps support fat burning.

2.    Clear(er) complexion. 

Water helps to flush out many of toxins that may irritate or inflame skin (say goodbye to pimples). It also supports the internal structures of skin, which helps to keep it looking plump, elastic and hydrated.

3.    Digestive support.

Constipation—one of the most common digestive issues affecting nearly 42 million American—is the direct result of a dehydrated colon. But by drinking enough water, you’ll keep your colon running smoothly, as well as all of your bowel movements.

4.    Energy boost.

Since fatigue is one of the first signs of dehydration, it makes sense that drinking water would help you to overcome that dreaded energy slump. Not only will it help to balance out electrolytes, it’s also very refreshing and helps to promote alertness and focus.

5.    Improved mood.

If you’re tired and dehydrated, it makes sense that you wouldn’t necessarily be in the best mood, at least according to a recent study. Turns out, women are more likely to experience moodiness, fatigue, headaches and problems concentrating when even slightly dehydrated. So, ladies (and gentlemen) be sure to drink up.

6.    Muscle strength.

When you’re getting a good sweat on at the gym, water should be the first thing you reach for. It not only helps to replenish the fluid you lose through sweat, water also plays an important role in muscle function, strength and fatigue prevention. And water helps to prevent cramping, which should be reason enough.

7.    Stress relief.

Stress triggers are a fixture of daily life. Some of them are preventable, while others aren’t.  Make sure that you don’t add dehydration—something that automatically ups your cortisol levels—to that list. By drinking water, you’re helping to minimize of the effects that stress on the body, like increased heart rate, nausea, fatigue and headaches.

8.    Pain prevention.

Drinking plenty of water helps to keep cartilage—which is a part of every joint in your body—hydrated, minimizing the rate of friction between bones. This in turn minimizes pain and keeps joints lubricated.

9.    Sound sleep.

Staying hydrated throughout the day (not just right before bed) can help to promote a good—disruption-free—night’s sleep. After all, since your body actually loses fluids while you sleep, if you head to bed already dehydrated, this could cause dry mouth, parched throat, snoring and cramps.

10. Overall health.

We did try to warn you that water provides so many health benefits—immune support, fluid balance, kidney function—it’s almost impossible to capture them all in one article. The key takeaway, though, is that water is essential to keep your mind and body healthy. But it’s only one of the many factors.

That’s why it’s important to work with a 
health care provider that’s invested in you and your health. At Gwinnett Medical Group Primary Care, you will find just that. Discover health care the way it should be—customized care for all of your unique health needs.

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