Wednesday, August 15, 2018

This Is How Healthy People Start Their Day: 10 Quick Tips

When it comes to health, it seems like the early birds get the better end of the deal. After all, its old news that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, helping with everything from metabolism and energy levels to memory and concentration, and heart health. That’s enough to make just about anyone want to get up extra early to make all those delicious breakfast ideas you see on Pinterest.

Like we said, it’s almost enough to get us up early, but not quite. When in doubt, the snooze button usually wins. So does all this mean that you’re doomed if you’re more of a night owl? No…But we’re not saying that those first few minutes you’re awake aren’t crucial, either. Whether you like it or not, how you start your day influences how the rest of it unfolds. Don’t believe us? Try getting up a little earlier tomorrow—no 5 a.m. wake-up-calls necessary—and put these life-changing tips to the test. We promise you—and your health—won’t regret it.

1.    No alarm. Unless you’re one of those people who can wake-up naturally—and before 10 a.m.—but for most of us some type of wake-up call is essential. But instead of the horrible beeping of the typical alarm clock, opt for music or radio to wake you up. You know your fav song will get you pumped up to start the day!

2.    Get up.Now this seems like an obvious one, but most of us don’t do this—at least not for several minutes anyway. Instead you may opt to lay in bed and look through your phone (we all do it). This is a big no-no, though, as starting your day this way has been shown to increase feelings of anxiety and unhappiness.

3.    Or stay in bed a little longer. But make it intentional. If you just have to stay in bed for a few extra minutes, try doing some stretching, deep breathing or bed yoga (hint: child’s pose and hamstring stretch are bed-friendly). Even just doing a few stretches can help to get your blood flowing, while relieving tension.

4.    Grab some water. Even if your preferred drink to start the day is coffee or another caffeinated beverage, water shouldn’t be skipped. Not only are you dehydrated from going 6+ hours without fluids, but water helps to get your metabolism going and rehydrates your skin.

5.    Get some sunshine. Or at least keep your blinds partially open. Not only is sunlight refreshing and calming, it can also aid in the waking-up process. In fact, sunlight is one of the key ways your brain knows to decrease melatonin, while increasing adrenaline.

6.    Smell something energizing. In addition to the delicious scent of fresh coffee brewing, spark your senses with a fresh, invigorating scent. A great way to do this is with your face wash. Not only is rinsing off any pore-clogging bacteria a good thing (thanks, pillow case!), but a citrus-scented wash will energize you. Look for lemon, orange and grapefruit scents.

7.    Look at your calendar. Now before you start the getting-dressed process, take a quick peek at your calendar to see what lies ahead. For instance, if you have a big meeting with leadership, maybe you’ll opt for heals instead of flats. Or maybe your daughter has a soccer game and you’ll definitely want to remember to bring a jacket and sneakers to watch comfortably.

8.    Prepare for a fashion emergency. On the same note, there are those mornings when you feel like absolutely nothing looks good (maybe it was the extra slice of pizza last night). Where did all those cute blouses go? Well, in the event of a fashion emergency like this, don’t waste 30 minutes trying on different outfit options. Instead, reach for that go-to dress or top-bottom combo that you can always count on to look good. Are you taking a mental inventory of your closet as we speak?

9.    Be inspired. If you’re not super jazzed about heading into the office or doing a bunch of errands for the day, we don’t blame you. The struggle is real. So to help overcome feelings of dullness, start your day with an inspiring quote or a personal mantra. This will help to spark your motivation and determination when enthusiasm may be in short supply. After all, you are pretty amazing!

10.  Stay organized. It’s finally time to head out the door and get the day started, but now you can’t find your sunglasses. And your son doesn’t know where his lunchbox is. To avoid stressors like these, pick out spots for each member of the family and remember to put your stuff there each day when you get home. This will ensure that you don’t forget anything or lose it to the junk drawer.

Good morning, health!

So, you’ve tried these simple, healthy tips and your mornings still aren’t getting the job done? It may be time to call in the experts. After all, it isn’t just your a.m. routine that can influence how you feel. For instance, sleep disorders, thyroid conditions, allergies and more, can make you feel like you’re dragging through the day.

That’s why Gwinnett Medical Group Primary Care is prepared to help. With knowledgeable experts, an extensive range of services and resources, and convenient locations, you can receive customized care for all of your unique health needs.

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