Friday, September 7, 2018

Meet Kristie: GMC’s Go-To Gal For All-Things Fitness

Living a healthy, active and balanced lifestyle is something that all of us want. But the truth is it can be really hard to actually achieve, let alone sustain. Things like eating a nutritious diet and getting regular exercise don’t always come naturally—most of us have to work at it.

So amidst a busy schedule and a never-ending to-do list, what are you supposed to do to live your happiest, healthiest and fullest life? Well that’s exactly what Kristie Delgado, MS, GMC’s Fitness Specialist is here to help with.

Whether you need guidance with weekly meal planning and at-home exercise circuits, or tips to stay active during the workday and properly fuel pre- and post-workout, Kristie can help. In fact, you can get expert fitness and wellness advice, straight from Kristie, every single week! So mark your calendar for each Friday because you won't want to miss any of her blog posts.

But first things first, let’s get to know Kristie a little better.

Q: What exactly do you do here at GMC?

A: It’s hard to narrow down what I do to just a few words. Overall, I would say that my role is to help people move better, exercise more and eat healthier—all in a way that fits their busy livesso they can meet their health, weight loss and performance goals.

Q: What’s your experience?

A: I’ve been in the fitness and exercise world for nearly 17 years, 4 of those have been here at GMC. Initially, I did my undergraduate studies at Auburn University and I continued my studies at the University of West Florida where I got my Master of Science degree in Exercise Science. I have continued expanding my expertise by pursuing specialty training with the following certifications and additional education:

  • Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist
  • CrossFit Level 1 Trainer
  • Functional Movement Screen expert
  • CrossFit Movement & Mobility Trainer
  • Exercise is Medicine Level 2
  • Certified Sportsmetrics Instructor
  • The Roll Model Method™
  • Sports Nutrition
  • Nutrition for Sports, Exercise, and Weight Management

Q: What was your inspiration for becoming a Fitness Specialist?

A: I grew-up in a very active family and I was tri-sport athlete (track, volleyball and swimming), so I always knew that I wanted to do something with athletes. At first I wanted to be a doctor, then a physical therapist—but when I discovered that Exercise Science was its own field, that sealed my fate.

Q: What’s your favorite part about your job?

A: One of my favorite parts of this job is the people. I love that I get to work with such a diverse clientele with individuals from all walks of life. Also, I really enjoy that this job allows me to continue growing and expanding my knowledge with new certifications and learning opportunities. And of course there’s the fact that I basically get to workout for a living—how cool is that?

Q: How do you stay healthy (outside of what you do at work)?

A: I take an all things in moderation approach to my own health. I don’t believe in labeling foods as bad or off-limits. In fact, I enjoy treats on a regular basis. I take this stance with exercise, too.

My go-to workout is high intensity circuit training (where you alternate cardio with strength-building exercises). My workouts are usually complete in less than 20 minutes (not including warm-up/cool-down).

But I have off days, too (who doesn't, right?). Even on those days, though, when I only do the bare minimum, I rarely compromise these habits: 
  • Eat slowly
  • Stop eating when you're full
  • Get some—no matter how little—physical activity 

Q: How do you stay motivated about fitness and exercise?

A: I struggle with motivation just like anyone else. My number one motivation is my own health. I just feel better when I stay active and eat a balanced diet, plain and simple.

Another large motivator for me is the desire to be a good role model for my family. I want my sons (Mason and Grady, ages 1 and 7 J) to know me as a fit mom who can keep up with them. I also want to be a good role model for my clients and others who look to me for inspiration.

Q: How do you spend your time outside of the office?

A: My absolute favorite activity is spending time with my kids. My 1-year old keeps me on my toes since he started walking and my 7-year old loves for me to join him for movie nights.

My husband is teaching me Latin dancing so we enjoy going out to dance, including salsa, merengue and bachata.

I also enjoy spending time reading or playing word games on my phone with a little Facebook thrown in, too.

Q: How do you like to unwind after a long and/or stressful day?

A: I love having a hot beverage of some sort while sitting on my back deck (or on my couch when it’s too hot or the mosquitoes drive me in). I’ll sip decaf coffee, hot tea, healthy hot chocolate or a drink called golden milk after we get the kids to bed.

Q: What’s the one thing you want people to remember about fitness/exercise?

A: The one takeaway I want people to always keep in mind is: staying healthy is all about progress, not perfection. You don’t have to do it all. Instead, focus on at least one healthy behavior you can do today. Always remember that something is better than nothing.

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